Have a lot to do? Wonder why you are overwhelmed? Tips to stay calm & motivated.

Anyone else get overwhelmed with a big “to do” list?

I have a massive list of things “to do”. Full disclosure, my definition of massive is anything more than having one thing to do at a time, you feel me? I started to spiral (mind you, I was doing just fine for awhile).

How did I begin to spiral? Well, let me fill you in on what was going on inside my head…

I reacted. I wanted relief so I started jumping into my big list of things “to do” with the sole purpose of checking my “to do’s” off the list. No strategy, no prioritization, no nothing - simply just wanting to cross things off the list thinking that it would make me feel better. I spent most of my day jumping from one thing to another without actually completing anything. I got nothing done and I didn’t feel better. Yay.

My only intention (which I didn’t realize until now) was on the end result. Ironically, this lesson allowed me to write this blog which wasn’t originally on my “to do” list. On the bright side, I got something done - YAY!

This was a reminder for me that we create our to “to do” lists. Simple enough? Sometimes it could feel like it’s out of our control. I had to take a good look at myself and hold myself accountable by asking this question, “what’s going on with me and why am I so overwhelmed”?

I woke up with a busy mind. And when I woke up, I forgot to provide space for my emotions.

I didn’t show up for myself and as a result, I went on with my day driven by fears. This made me feel very overwhelmed. My subconscious was calling the shots and it made it seem impossible to get anything done that I wanted to get done (aka, “to do” list). I got lost in the chaos because I allowed it. I didn’t allow myself to be present and I didn’t listen to the cues on what I needed.

“WHAT IF I FAIL”! That was the ruminating thought driving my behaviors all freaking day. Thoughts like these are exhausting if we try to resist or fight them off so why not provide space for them and then allow them to shift, right?

RIGHT, but I couldn’t see it at the time until I really started to spiral out of control.

These beliefs set the tone for my entire day and I refused to see it coming. Another bright side to this situation, I needed to go through this chaos in order to be able to learn, bring my awareness back, and come back to the tools that help me remain calm & motivated.

Below are some tools that have helped me shift my mental state:

1) If you are feeling overwhelmed by your “to do” list, allow yourself space to explore this feeling. Allow yourself to carve out at least 15 minutes for yourself so you can process your emotions. 15 minutes may save an entire day (or days) of chaos. Choose to make the time for yourself because you are important.

Take a moment to scan your body and notice where you are holding tension and try to soften those areas. Then, ask yourself;

“Why am I overwhelmed”?

“When did this feeling start to come up”?

“What do I need right now to feel better”?

Asking questions will help you put the pieces together on what is truly going on in your inner-space.

2) I encourage you to journal! Writing down your thoughts will help you let go of them by taking it out of your mind and placing it on paper. Once you begin writing, explore the emotions that start to arise and shift. Write it all down even if it doesn’t make sense. This process will help you make sense of the chaos which will help you put a pin in it!

3) Now, where does your “to do” list live? If it lives solely in your head, you might be at risk :). Write your “to do” list on paper - perhaps while you are journaling!

Write down everything on your “to do” list. This process will help you organize your “to do” list. It will also open up more space in your mind.

4) Prioritize and strategize! It’s difficult to prioritize and strategize when you are operating in a frequency that is not for your ultimate good so first take the time for yourself, journal your feelings, and write down everything you need to do!

Begin to highlight the tasks that feel the most important to you.

Ask questions like;

“Which tasks have a deadline and who made this deadline?”

“Were there any promises made with the current tasks and why?”

“Which tasks would make me feel better to complete first”?

“If I were to organize my “to do” list with the highest priority of tasks being at the top and the lowest priority of tasks being at the bottom, how would it look like”?

Allow yourself to take an honest inventory with each task on your list.


For all of you “I can do it all myself-ERS”! Hi, my name is Greta, and I am guilty of being a myself-er as well!

Support is always a solution (although I admit I’m blind to that truth at times)! Are you able to get any support to help you get through your “to do” list? You don’t need to do everything alone. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you. Take an honest inventory and think about this question…

“Could I use some support right now”? If there is any hesitation in that answer then allow yourself to explore that hesitation. What does it feel like? Why is there hesitation coming up? I encourage you to continue to ask the questions why.

Some more questions to ask yourself;

“Who do I trust that I could reach out to for support”?

"Will I feel better getting support”?

“Will receiving support help open more space in my life in a positive way”?

“How can I ask for help respectfully and with integrity”?

6) Give yourself breaks! Listen to what is coming up within you. Your body will tell you if you are overdoing it and taking a simple break will help recenter you.


-Take a walk outside

-Get some sun


-Check in on a friend

-Sit in silence

-Change your scenery

I tend to focus on completing the task first and taking a break later. However, allowing myself to shift out of this state by taking a break before completing the task, I discover that, I finish the task better than I would have if I didn’t take the break! Did you just follow because I hardly did :)

Allow yourself space to breathe, literarily!

I hope these tips help you feel calm & motivated!




Confronting Fears in the Heart of the Jungle